According to the 2022 Point-in-Time Count, there are 418 individuals experiencing homelessness in Lincoln, and many more just one life event away from experiencing homelessness. Without a safe place to call home, the work that needs to be done to achieve economic stability can’t be accomplished. We work to ensure housing stability and prevent homelessness through our Emergency Services, Supportive Housing, and Tenant Support Services Programs. Our Emergency Services Program provides emergency financial assistance with past-due rent, deposit and utility bills (including propane) for those that qualify. The Supportive Housing Program is a Rapid Re-housing program for families experiencing homelessness. Our Tenant Support Services program focuses on eviction prevention, landlord and tenant mediation, and information regarding tenant rights and obligations in the state of Nebraska. Through our subsidiary non-profit, Community Action Housing Development Corporation, we provide safe, decent, affordable housing through two low-income housing tax-credit financed rental developments; one in Lincoln and one in Wahoo.